Thursday, April 7, 2011

Were you planning on sleeping?

Woah boy!  Now it begins.  Now if you are fortunate, like my wife and I were with our first son, your baby won't make too much noise.  Our son didn't cry much, he would just wimper a little until momma started her feeding.  Most babies, however, are VERY vocal about pretty much anything. 

I hope I'm not scaring you, it doesn't last forever so don't freak out (yet).  The main things to keep in mind are that if your baby cries all hours of the night its pretty normal.  Too many new parent spend hard earned money taking a perfectly health baby to the emergency room because they feared their baby was in pain or something unnatural was occuring.  While there are a few cases where emergency room care may be necessary, the vast majority of crying babies need only a few things: food, rest, changing, and love.  Here's a list of things to check on when junior start wailing at 2am in the morning:

First check to make sure babies diaper doesn't need to be changed.  This is done simply by sticking your finger inside the diaper and feeling for moisture or (eww) goo.  Yes you're going to get your hands dirty so you'd better get used to it mom and dad!  Okay here's a little bit of info my wife won't want me to share...She had no earthly idea how to care for a baby when she became a mommy the first time.  Since I was usually babysitting my little sisters, I had a pretty good idea how to deal with newborn baby problems. 

Secondly, carefully lift your baby and be sure to support his or head little head because they don't have much control over their muscles at this early age and if you allow your little one's head to droop they can get a neck inury.  Now softly lay baby's head over your shoulder (you may want to put a bib over your pj's) and softly pat your baby's back.  Make some soothing noises like "there there" or "shhh shhh shhh shh" any soft comforting noise will do.  Most of the time one of these two methods will get baby quiet and sleeping again in no time.

If however, your baby continues to wail at the top of their cute little lungs (I know they don't seem too cute screaming at 3 am) then it may be time for food.  Just in case somebody out there is really, really new to this, newborn babies only drink breastmilk or special baby formula.  DO NOT EVER give newborns solid food or even regular milk during those first few weeks.  Newborns have a very sensitive stomach for the first few weeks so unless you have 5 or 6 days and nights to spare staying up with a cholicy or very sick baby, stick to baby formula and/or breastmilk (Women ONLY dad. I don't care what you saw on Family Guy!)

Remember when I said you need to pray for your baby while it is in the womb?  Well now it is time to pray for you and the rest of the family.  Your patience will be tried dad!  It's going to be tough, but you're not the first person to miss out of a full nights sleep over a crying baby.  Get over it and soon enough he or she will be getting into one of those normal baby sleeping routines in no time.

There are going to be cases when you try just about everything and junior will just continue to scream and scream until all hours of the night.  Give it a few nights.  Your baby may just have a bad night or two.  However, if you're baby cries abnormally loud or cries continually no matter what, then carefull check your baby for any injuries like bruising or deformities.  In some rare cases, babies may become injured and it becomes necessary to take them in to the ER immediately.

Alright I think I've frightened you enough now.  Here's the good stuff to remember about your newborn son(s) or daughter(s):

  • They are a blessing from the Lord.
  • When your baby finally opens his or her eyes you and your spouse will be the first one(s) to see those beautiful baby eyes.
  • A baby's smile is absolutely breath-taking!
  • Enjoy singing, reading, talking, and walking with your newborn.
  • If the weather isn't bad take your newborn for a stroller ride but make sure they are bundled up even in warmer weather because newborns don't regulate their body temperature too well the first few weeks.
  • Its okay to play with your newborn.  Even when they appear to be sleeping they may be awake and aware so talk, laugh, play with their hands and feet and just love on them as much as you want.
  • Newborns form bonds with their parents during these first months so make sure to have as much skin to skin contact as possible like rubbing your cheeks together or kissing baby's belly.
By the way be sure to wash your hands and keep sickly people away from your baby (politely) so that you won't risk getting your baby sick. 

Above all, pray, pray, pray over your baby, your fatherhood and your spouse so that God's hand will be over your newest family member in all things. 


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