Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Submit to Authority

One of the hardest things for a man to do is to admit defeat, wrongdoing, or simply that he may be wrong. It seems to be hard wired into our being. In the hispanic culture there is even a word for this phenomena - "machismo". It means to make others submit to your authority because you are a man. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but our Father in heaven has given us orders as Christians to submit ourselves to the authorities. In Romans chapter 13:1-7 we are told that the authorities are put there by God's own hand to deliver God's punishment for wrongdoing.
So the first question that comes to mind is, "Do you mean to tell me that Hitler was put there by God?" Perhaps. I'm not one to question God's authority on the matter only to speak what his Word says on the subject. Perhaps God had a purpose for the evil little man with a big mouth. Even so, God made a way for him to exit the scene as well.
We are to submit ourselves to authorities of law enforcement, government and at our jobs. We must also teach our children to do the same. Granted there are cases when this authority is perverted or misused in the name of some crazy ideology or simple greed on behalf of one or several people. If that authority contradicts God's word we have an obligation to fight against it as well. Remember that no man can serve two masters either he will love one and hate the other or hate the one and love the other.
When that authority conflicts with our own agenda, however, it is easy to say they are in the wrong and we begin to fight against it, but that is not the case most of the time.
Examine families that have no authority figure present. Either dad or mom is not present or one or both will not take their rightful place of authority within the family and the family structure collapses. We are not to allow our children to run the house in any form or fashion. They may have an opinion and we should allow them to positively speak their minds, but ultimately you as the father of your home have full authority and responsibility to execute both rewards and punishment within reason. Do not misuse that authority over our children to beat them down beyond recovery either physically, mentally, or emotionally (Ephesians 6:4 Fathers do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord)
If, however, you do not believe in submitting yourself to the authorities put in place by God, then how can you in full faith believe you have every right to rule over your own household? You will be a direct contradiction to yourself.
In all things seek the wisdom and direction of the Holy Spirit to guide your words, your thoughts, and your action. Give praise to God for all He does in your life and your family.

Man O God


  1. It's a dangerous thing to say "Perhaps god made Hitler and others like him, known for attempting genocide and being responsible for the deaths of millions, but I still love and worship him." [paraphrased]

    Actually, it's a little pathetic. You're willing to "submit to authority," as your post title says, without questioning it. I for one would absolutely question somebody's motives if I were told to submit to them wholly and without question.

  2. Hello again Dave. There's nothing "dangerous" about speaking truth. Too many people have the wrong impression of God and Jesus. They see this poor little man on the cross beaten down seemingly helpless who loves everyone and cannot harm a fly. Jesus said, "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I did not come to bring peace but a sword." God is loving and merciful to those who show love and mercy to others. He is also a just God and is not mocked. Anyone who reads the Old Testament knows that God means business. He is not so much concerned with lives as much as souls. What does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul in the process? Our lives on earth are temporary, our souls will live on in eternity in one of two places.
    I've thought about our debates, and realize that it seems to be pointless. It's similar to trying to figure out which would win: an eagle or a barracuda. Each in its own element has an advantage. I base my life on my faith in God and my experience in the metaphysical. You on the other hand have neither and base your life on faith in science and the purely physical. Which brings me to my final point. It is now my turn to call you a hypocrite. You claim that you would question a person's motives, yet you willing submit to two authorities: science and your own authority. You base your beliefs on people who claim to know how the universe began yet they were not there when it happened. You don't seem to question their authority you just take it at face value. You also do not question your own authority to disbelieve in anything science cannot explain. Do you ever think, "maybe I'm wrong about this?" No. You submit to your own authority just as easily. Which is why certain doors remain closed to you.
