Three men were driving through the desert when their car broke down. After a short time of trying to repair the vehicle, they realized that it was useless to try so they spoke to each and said, "We should gather whatever we can carry that will help us get to civilization." One man grabbed up two jugs of water, another man took a large blanket, and one man carefully removed one of the car doors. After walking for a few miles, two of the men looked over at the man with the water and said, "What's that?" The man said, "We're in the desert, we're going to need to drink lots of water to stay alive." They all nodded and continued walking. After a few more hours, two men looked at the one carrying the blanket, and asked, "What's that for?" The man with the blanket said, "At night the desert temperatures can drop significantly so we'll need to stay covered or face hypothermia." "Oh", they said, and continued walking. After another hour, two men looked at the man carrying the car door and said, "What gives with the car door man?" The last man looked at the other two, and said, "Duh...if it gets hot, I'm going to roll down the window!"
Sounds funny when you look at it like that, but in reality we are each carrying a piece of luggage, sometimes dozens, hundreds, or thousands of pieces of useless luggage. The luggage is unforgiveness. We carry our grudges, our anger, our "reasons" for not speaking to this person or that. We hold on fiercely to our excuses why this person deserves our revenge or our cold shoulder. We even find ways to avoid those people by declining invitations to social gatherings. As if they will really noticed we are missing. Unforgiveness is one of the worst things you can do in your life. It is a cancer that eats away at your mind, your heart, and your soul. If someone cuts you off on the freeway, you cuss them out in your heart and probably dwell on it for hours, maybe even days. Meanwhile that other driver probably has no idea how you feel and is already moving on with his or her life. Who's suffering? You are! Jesus said that if you will not forgive others their offenses against you neither will he forgive your offenses. What a terrible thought?
Think of all the good you think you may have done in your life, it would be all for nothing if you stand before the throne and realize that due to your unforgiveness you will never enter the gates of heaven. Unforgiveness is important not only for your eternal life after your death, but it is critical for you to live a full life here on earth. You cannot be truly free until you shed that useless baggage.
Make a list of people who have offended you and begin contacting them by email, letter, phone, or in person. Pray beforehand for for guidance and patience because it won't be easy. Tell this person you forgive them. Ask them to forgive you for judging them. Don't try to fight or defend yourself, just accept that they may not want your forgiveness and they might not forgive you. They may even add to the list of things you should hate them for, but none of that matters. What matters is that you do your part, then either reconcile or walk away. I guarantee that if you do this in God's love there will be a burden lifted off your shoulders and you will begin to breath freely again. The first time is terrifying, but the more you do it, the more liberated you will be each day. God's mercy is waiting for those who show mercy were it is not deserved.
Man O God
For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6:14-15*
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