Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Divinity and Humanity of Christ

Isn't it funny how when we go through things in life, especially those really rough times, like when we are hurting, ill, or lose a loved one, we always have people who come up to us and mean well, but always have a way of making things worse?  You know the types that say things like, "I know how you feel." or "I've been there".  Deep inside we say, "There is no possible way you can know what I'm going through".  We just smile, say words of gratitude and listen to their advice.  Mostly, they do all the talking and don't really listen to anything we are really feeling.
Okay, I know there are some exceptions out there and I pray that you have at least one friend out there that listens more than talks.  If, however, you find yourself without such a friend, rest easy.  There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).  His name is Jesus.
I was speaking to a good friend of mine yesterday who wasn't clear on the Trinity and what it means.  I began to think that I take for granted all the things I learned in Sunday school and always believed that if I knew, everyone else must know.  Here's the nitty gritty on J.C. (yeah, we're close like that).
First, we need to understand that Jesus was, is, and always will be 100% man and 100% God.  I know that this is one of the most difficult things to understand, but it's vitally important to the hope we have as human beings.  If our hope in salvation from the ultimate penalty of sin rests squarely on Jesus' shoulders, then we need to trust in Him fully.  How can we trust in Him if we don't really know him?
Well I'll give you a little info on my Lord, my savior, my friend Jesus.  We know that he was there at the beginning with God and was God(John 1:1).  We also know that when he came to earth, he shed all his Godly qualities so that he could be just one of us (Hebrews 2:9).  We also know that he suffered in every way a man can know (Matthew 4:1, Hebrew 4:15).  When his mission was complete, he was raised again to the status He had before he came to earth (John 17:5).
This is how we can fully trust in Christ.  We know that he sufferred like we all do.  He was tempted like we all are and he overcame in all points.  This is why in all things we can and should go to Jesus for comfort, for support, for answers, and especially, for salvation from our own selfish desires.  When he says, "I know what you're going through", He really means it! (Psalm 139:2)
If you examine yourself today I can promise that you are exactly as close to God as you want to be at any given time in your life.  If you feel a million miles from God, it's because you put yourself there.  If you feel he won't hear you, it's because you don't really want to hear from Him.  He's just a prayer away (Hebrews 4:16).

Man O God

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