Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lessons From Satan

How is it possible we can learn anything from the father of lies? Who, after all would want to mold themselves around this utterly evil being who despises God? Well, I'm not suggesting we follow in his footsteps, but there are some things we can learn even from this miserable, lost creature in spite of everthing: Fear and Obedience

Many of us have heard that 1 John 4:4 says, "...greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." Yet many of us still cringe at the thought of demons and the devil. How many people cannot even watch the Exorcist because it scares the bejeezus out of them? We don't like to talk about demons because we are afraid they may somehow manifest themselves in our lives or the lives or our children in our dreams and in our waking lives. Yet the Bible clearly tells us that God is above all things.

When we thing of the opposite of God, many say "Satan" This is not so. Satan is not even in the same league. Satan is more in line with Michael the Archangel.

Remember when Jesus cast out demons in the New Testament?

His power was obeyed without question. When Satan approached God to ask permission to test Job, he was granted permission with one exception: "...but save his life" Satan was not allowed to touch Job's life. Now one would think, if Satan has no regard for God and doesn't fall under His authority, wouldn't he just say, "Oops, I killed him...sorry" What could God do to Satan that he isn't already doomed for?

The answer may leave you shocked. If Satan is supposedly the most terrifying being in the universe. If Satan makes Charles Manson look like a nun and Friday the 13th's Jason look like a teddy bear, then what could possibly scare Satan?

God's wrath is infinitely more awful and terrible than anything you, me, or even Satan can imagine. Satan and his minions obey God out of sheer terror and fear.

"You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that - and shudder." James 2:19

If Satan and his demons fear God so much that they obey him without question, don't you think it's wise for us to do better? We should fear God, yes. But we should obey God because we love Him and because He loves us unconditionally.

Don't be outdone by Satan. If even he knows how to fear God, so should you. If even he knows how to obey God, so should you.

And by the way, Satan is not omnipresent. This means he cannot be in more than one place at once. He is more concerned with the top leaders in this world than someone like you and me. He will, however send his minions to temp you and try to trip you up each and every day. Ask for guidance and protection from these demons from the Holy Spirit and God's angels every morning on you, your family, and those around you.

Man O God

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