Monday, October 31, 2011

Who is Poor and Who is Rich?

This past Sunday, as I watched our praise and worship leader lead our children in songs of praise, I realized that something was wrong. Something is missing in our churches in America. We spend thousands and millions and billions of dollars trying to make "fun" and entertaining for our children in this country.

Yet, many times it is empty worship. The smiles are there, the hands are raised, but if you look closely, you see kids looking around wondering what's going on. You see a few that are genuinely worshiping, but many are missing the mark.

Could it be that we have it all wrong? Could it be that the people we believe to be poor, are actually the richest of them all? Could it be that in our quest for the American dream, we have become poor in spirit? Why are we seeing some of the most underdeveloped countries filled with the Holy Spirit and loving God with all their hearts and minds?

Could it be that we, as parents have lost all sense of what God wanted from us? Why do we look to make ourselves comfortable and forget that the Bible says, we WILL be persecuted and we are to rejoice in our suffering?
These people are literally rejoicing in their suffering, while we have no joy in our comfort? We must seek to know the God of creation and learn to love him without condition. We cannot expect our children to love God if we don't even know how to love Him ourselves. It's time for a real reckoning Church of America.

" These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands. I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.

Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. But you have this in your favor: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God." - Revelation 2:1-7

Man O God

Thursday, October 20, 2011

More Basics: Changing Diapers

It's been a while since I had to change diapers, but since I had so many to do, it's like riding a bicycle. First, we will explain how to determine if a change of diaper is necessary. If you squeeze the bottom of the diaper and you notice that it feels firm or heavy, then the diaper is probably wet and needs changing. Also, gently pull back the rear of the diaper and look inside. If you see brown, yellow, or green, then the baby has had a bowel movement and is also in need of a diaper change. WARNING: The first time a baby poops, it may be a black sticky substance. This is normal and is called meconium. So don't freak out and call the doctor. You should, however call a doctor immediately if you notice blood in the stool or urine.

Now that you know baby needs a diaper change, get all your materials ready:
1) A fresh diaper, at least 3-5 baby wipes or moist towelettes, baby powder (optional), and any ointments you may need for circumcision, urinary tract infections or other maladies that are prescribed by a doctor.
2) Be sure to remove socks, shoes, mittens, or anything else than baby can (and probably will) push into the soiled diaper before opening the diaper. Also, lift long gowns well out of the way so they don't get dirty either.
3) Carefully place baby on a changing table, or other flat area. Never leave the baby on the table unattended even for a few seconds (babies MOVE) because before you know it baby can flip over and fall off. In emergency situations, with a little practice, you can change the baby on your lap by closing your legs tightly and placing baby with his or her head away from you.
4) Open the diaper and begin wiping away all the mess from baby's bottom and legs. With girls, always wipe from front to back, otherwise you could risk getting feces inside her genitals and causing a serious infection. With boys, just wipe away! You can use the dirty diaper as a trash bin for all the wipes you use.
5) Pull baby's bottom up slightly by the ankles and pull the diaper out from under the baby and close it up tightly so nothing escapes accidentally.
6) Carefully pull baby's bottom up slightly again to slide the new diaper under the baby up to about the lower center of his or her back.
7) Lower baby onto the diaper and apply any powders or ointments needed.
8) Close the diaper and replace all the clothing you removed.

Warning about boys: Always be ready for a yellow fountain! When that stream starts, it can get on EVERYTHING! Coffee, mouth, eyes, clothes, and even baby's own face and body. While there's nothing harmful, it can be embarrassing and create a mess.

About powders and petroleum jelly: Some physicians, moms, dads, grandmas, and aunts will argue about the use of baby powder and petroleum jelly on baby. We started off using these, but eventually stopped using powder, because it seemed not to help much on diaper rash. I would use petroleum jelly at night when putting baby to bed if there was diaper rash because I noticed that it seemed to moisturize the skin when left overnight. I wouldn't use it during the day, but would use powder instead to keep things dry and smooth. In any case, only you know your baby and may want to experiment with what works best, powder, vasaline, or diaper rash ointment.

Have fun!

Man O God

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

No Direction No Purpose

Today, as I sat here watching coverage of the Occupy Wall Street movement, I realized that too many people in the world today are angry about things they have no control over. The article was talking about how these protesters are eating food from the same companies they are protesting against. They claim to be against big business, but they eat at McDonald's and take free ice cream from Ben & Jerry's. I realized that most of those who cry "foul" because the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer are the same people who make Budweiser, Walmart, and Michael Moore richer every week by buying into their products.

While their intentions are noble, they really have no idea where they are headed because there is no clear understanding of what it is they are saying.
The Bible makes it clear that the message of the cross is foolishness to them that perish. What may seem foolish to you one day, will all become clear as soon as you realize your purpose in God's kingdom.
You, as a father have great responsibility and purpose in your life. Your main purpose is first to accept Christ into your life and mold it around his teachings. You can then begin to pour into the lives of not only your wife, but also into the lives and hearts of your children. This direction in your live will bring specific meaning, purpose, and drive.
I know that before I gave my life to Christ, I had no desire to excel no desire to be anything more than a high school drop out and no desire to become anything more than a dishwasher or grill cook. Christ gave me both direction and purpose as well as the drive to accomplish more than I could ever imagine.
My goal, now, is to make that drive contagious within myself and my children and to teach others how to be contagious with Jesus' love.

Man O God

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lessons From Satan

How is it possible we can learn anything from the father of lies? Who, after all would want to mold themselves around this utterly evil being who despises God? Well, I'm not suggesting we follow in his footsteps, but there are some things we can learn even from this miserable, lost creature in spite of everthing: Fear and Obedience

Many of us have heard that 1 John 4:4 says, "...greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." Yet many of us still cringe at the thought of demons and the devil. How many people cannot even watch the Exorcist because it scares the bejeezus out of them? We don't like to talk about demons because we are afraid they may somehow manifest themselves in our lives or the lives or our children in our dreams and in our waking lives. Yet the Bible clearly tells us that God is above all things.

When we thing of the opposite of God, many say "Satan" This is not so. Satan is not even in the same league. Satan is more in line with Michael the Archangel.

Remember when Jesus cast out demons in the New Testament?

His power was obeyed without question. When Satan approached God to ask permission to test Job, he was granted permission with one exception: "...but save his life" Satan was not allowed to touch Job's life. Now one would think, if Satan has no regard for God and doesn't fall under His authority, wouldn't he just say, "Oops, I killed him...sorry" What could God do to Satan that he isn't already doomed for?

The answer may leave you shocked. If Satan is supposedly the most terrifying being in the universe. If Satan makes Charles Manson look like a nun and Friday the 13th's Jason look like a teddy bear, then what could possibly scare Satan?

God's wrath is infinitely more awful and terrible than anything you, me, or even Satan can imagine. Satan and his minions obey God out of sheer terror and fear.

"You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that - and shudder." James 2:19

If Satan and his demons fear God so much that they obey him without question, don't you think it's wise for us to do better? We should fear God, yes. But we should obey God because we love Him and because He loves us unconditionally.

Don't be outdone by Satan. If even he knows how to fear God, so should you. If even he knows how to obey God, so should you.

And by the way, Satan is not omnipresent. This means he cannot be in more than one place at once. He is more concerned with the top leaders in this world than someone like you and me. He will, however send his minions to temp you and try to trip you up each and every day. Ask for guidance and protection from these demons from the Holy Spirit and God's angels every morning on you, your family, and those around you.

Man O God